Taxes & Incentives
Additional tax incentives may be available, depending on the project and company type. The following are the most popular incentives available to companies locating in or expanding within Dodge City and Ford County, KS. For assistance with tax rates and incentives, contact the Dodge City/Ford County Development Corporation at 620-227-9501. An overview of Kansas tax rates and tax incentives can be found on the Taxes and Incentives page of the Kansas Department of Commerce website.
Property Tax Abatement
Businesses that purchase or expand property for the purpose of: a) manufacturing articles of commerce; b) conducting research and development; or c) storing goods or commodities which are sold or traded in interstate commerce may qualify for property tax abatement with proper approval of the City or County governing body, with final approval from the State Board of Tax Appeals. Certain uses financed by Industrial Revenue Bonds may also qualify for property tax abatements. (This has to be approved by the State prior to the issuance). Contact the Dodge City/Ford County Development Corporation at 620-227-9501 for more information about this tax abatement.
Research & Development Credit
State income tax credits of 6.5% of qualifying expenditures in research and development activities (above the average investment for such activities over the past two taxable years) may be claimed. Credit is limited to 25% of the total amount of the credit plus any applicable carry forward in any one taxable year. The amount of any remaining unused credit may be carried forward until the total amount of the credit is used. Contact the Kansas Department of Revenue at 785-368-8222 for more information.
Energy Incentives
Several different incentives are available for qualifying companies within the conventional or renewable energy industry. A full listing of the available tax incentives and descriptions are available on the Energy Incentives page of the Kansas Department of Commerce website or by calling 785-296-6815.
The High Performance Incentive Program
The High Performance Incentive Program (HPIP) is aimed at retaining high performance Kansas firms and attracting new high quality firms to Kansas. All firms must meet specific wage and training levels. To satisfy the training requirement, a firm must invest 2% of total wages paid in employee training, or it must participate in KIT, KIR, or other approved workforce training programs. For some types of businesses, aggregate sales to out-of-state businesses and government agencies, and to Kansas manufacturers, must exceed 50% of revenues. Generally, the following industries are not eligible for the program: retailers, mining, agriculture, and construction. Headquarters and back-office operations are potentially eligible, no matter what industry they are connected with. Potential benefits include an income tax credit, sales tax exemption, training tax credit, and priority consideration for access to other business assistance programs. More information can be found on the High Performance Incentive Program page of the Kansas Department of Commerce website or by calling 785-296-7174.
Promoting Employment Across Kansas (PEAK) Program
This statewide program provides incentives for companies to locate, relocate, or expand businesses within Kansas. Qualifying businesses in Ford County must commit to creating five new jobs and meet certain wage and health insurance requirements. In return, qualifying companies are allowed to retain 95% up to 10 years of the payroll withholding tax of PEAK-eligible employees/jobs that meet the program's requirements. More information about this program can be found on the PEAK Program page on the Kansas Department of Commerce website or by calling 785-296-1868.
KANSASWORKS Employer Partner Incentive
The KANSASWORKS Employer Partner Incentive program was established to encourage companies to hire individuals with disabilities. Qualifying companies can earn up to $3,000 per full-time qualified candidate hired and up to $2,000 per part-time qualified candidate hired. More information about this program can be found on the KANSASWORK Employer Partner Incentive page of the Kansas Department of Commerce website or by calling Jeff Schroeder at 785-296-0658.