2022 YEC Winners!
Date: 11/12/24
Location: Dodge City Community College Little Theater 2501 N. 14th Avenue, Dodge City, KS 67801
Requirements: Executive Summary & 4-Minute Formal Presentation
Cash Prizes: 1st Place: $1,500
2nd Place:$1,000
3rd Place: $500
Participants: Must be in grades 7 -12 in Ford County. Individuals or groups (4 person max)
The online portal contains resources to help you with your executive summary and formal presentation. If you need help with your executive summary or formal presentation, business mentors are available upon request, contact Mollea for a list. The winner of the local competition is automatically qualified for the state competition at Kansas State University.
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Judging Criteria:
Market opportunity–30%: Size-able market need presented, with the ability and plan to capture it.
Business Model–30%: Company has a viable plan to grow a profitable business.
Management Capability–20%: Founder/team demonstrates the ability to effectively grow the company.
Product / Service Offering–20%: Customer-focused solution with a clear value proposition.
No longer than three pages
At least 10 point font
At least .75” margins on all four sides
Must be submitted in PDF format

The business gets a maximum of four minutes for the presentation.
Timing begins when the presenter begins speaking.
Presenters must give the presentation live and in person.
Immediately following the presentation, judges will ask questions.
Audience members are not permitted to ask questions or to comment.
Judging Criteria
Business Overview: What is it, who occupies key roles (management/operations), what is your experience, what legal structure will you use, etc.?
Business Description: What product or service will you provide, where will your business exist, when will it happen, what funds will you need, etc.
Marketing: Market research including target market, is the market big enough to matter, how will you reach your market, potential growth, who is your competition, what promotion and advertising will you use, how did you choose your pricing strategy?
Financials: Project financial requirements, cash flow, projected income, etc.
Presentation: Poise, confidence, comprehension, ability to answer judges’ questions, proper attire for a business presentation, captures attention, is within time limits, etc.
Google Slides: Creative, neat, easy-to-understand, relates to your business, engages judges, etc.
Investable: Is it an idea that, based on the judges’ experience, makes them interested in investing in your company?
Contact: Mollea Wainscott, 620-371-3869 or molleaw@dodgedev.org