
In 1997, Dodge City, KS created a sales tax to develop the city's tourism base. Since that time, the city has seen the development of the Boot Hill Casino & Resort, Dodge City Raceway Park, Conference Center, United Wireless Arena, Legends Park, and Western State Bank Ag Expo Center. The city also renovated many of its Old West attractions, including the Boot Hill Museum, Santa Fe Depot, and Boot Hill Repertory Theater.

With the significant increase in tourists, Dodge City is primed to support big box retailers, national chain restaurants, hotels, and other retailers and services. The city is surrounded by primarily rural counties, which also increases the potential traffic to the city.

For assistance in finding available commercial properties and land, retail demographics, incentives, and other retail development-related information, contact the Dodge City/Ford County Development Corporation at 620-227-9501.

Main Street Dodge City

Main Street Dodge City is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the heritage of the downtown area in order to maintain the vibrant heart of the community. The organization strives to unite both the private and public sector by coordinating different activities that enhance and bring life to the downtown, as well as stimulate pride in the downtown by utilizing the Main Street four point approach of design, organization, promotion and economic restructuring.

For more information contact Main Street Dodge City at 620-227-9501 or visit their website

Taxable Retail Sales, 2021

Nominal Sales1 (Millions of Dollars) Real Sales2 (Millions of Dollars)

1 Nominal sales are calculated by dividing the sales tax collection amount from each county by the state sales tax rate.
2 From nominal sales, real sales are calculated using the average CPI-U for the Midwest region as reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Source: Kansas Department of Revenue, Sales Tax Collections by County, 2020 and 2021

County Trade Pull Factors in Ford County

Fiscal Years 2010-2019

2010: 1.05

2011: 1.06

2012: 1.09

2013: 1.08

2014: 1.04

2015: 1.04

2016: 1.00

2017: 1.06

2018: 0.99

2019: 0.99 

2020: 1.01

2021: 1.09

Source: Annual report for Fiscal Years 2021– Kansas Department of Revenue.

Pull Factor – County per capital sales tax/state per capita state tax. A pull factor which is higher than 1.0 indicates that the county is attracting business; a pull factor that is less than 1.0 indicates the county is losing business.